Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week of 10/7/2013

This week was a blast back to summer.  With two half days for the school age kids, it was fun all around!

Announcements:  There have been 2 incidents of lice in our after school program.  As both of these kids attend Irving I am sure it is coming from there, but none the less please check your child's head thoroughly.  Here is a helpful link to checking heads:

Little Friends

Thanks to Elli and her Dad for the monster teeth...they were a big hit all week long.  Many never even made it out of the back packs, so they kept coming out each time any of the kids were near their back packs.  If you haven't found your red monster teeth...check the pack packs!

This week we welcomed Nicky to our group.  He was here over the summer so many of the kids already know him.  Welcome Nicky!

Preschool Pals

We had a short but fun week with our preschool pals! We are studying the letter C, the #5, the color purple (and the idea of mixing colors), and circles. We practiced tracing circles, we made cookies, read and sang the story of the 5 Little Monkeys, made circle prints with different sized jar lids, and a caterpillar counting craft. And we welcomed our friend Nicky into our preschool group this week!
This week we will remain on the letter C. Our activities include working with clay, counting corn, and mixing colors. Miss Lauren does a wonderful job picking out books to go along with our themes each week and the kids really look forward to story time at the end of preschool. Thanks!

Ms Chloe and Ms Lauren

School Time Friends

This week was spent outside.  The kids did a great job managing their homework, so we could spend a good amount of time outside!  Can you believe it is October?  Speaking of homework, if there is anything specific you would like us to focus on with your child, please let us know.  We try really hard to make sure that all kids are getting their homework done.   Please make sure to double check their work, and to have their reading done.  We usually do not have reading time so please make sure that gets done at home.

The Zoo outing was amazing.  Miss Lauren and Miss Chloe did a great job getting the kids through the the end of hearing about it from the kids, I couldn't believe they had see so much in 3 hours!  Make sure to ask them about the snow sounded fun!

Jam and pickle making on Friday was so cool.  The younger kids helped to hull and cut and smash the strawberries.   The middle kids helped make the pickles we will eat in daycare, and the older kids pulled them all together!  For those of you who were here Friday, please look for the jam coming home.  And a huge thank you to Miss Chloe for showing us all how to was so fun!

Week of 9/30

Little Friends

This week we had fun working on counting with apples, matching letters making paper chains as tall as they are, and just having fun!  A trip to Wonderworks with Miss Lauren was also on the agenda this week.  Check out the photos section to see pictures from the trip. 

Preschool Pals

Last week was a blast! We were able to explore different ways to paint by using balloons as paintbrushes and painting by blowing bubbles. It was a lot of fun, and the kids’ pictures turned out really cool! The kids were able to practice their handwriting more, working on writing their B’s. One of the many books we read last week was Jack and the Beanstalk, and our pals did some counting using the beans, as well as created some artwork. They also made their own bumblebees and Letter B butterflies; super cute!

This week we are moving on to the Letter C, and since this week and next week are short weeks, we will be exploring the letter C the week of the 14th will continue to develop their handwriting and counting skills, as well as explore our shape of the week, the circle. Even though the week is short, there will still be plenty
of awesome artwork coming home!

We know a lot of our friends have been singing our circle time songs at home, so here are some links to our Days of the Week and Months of the Year songs, if you wish to learn them too:

To another week fabulous week!

Ms. Chloe and Miss Lauren

School Time Friends

This week we spent building...building the tallest building possible with marshmallows and tooth picks, building lego marble mazes, build balloon powered lego cars...somethings worked better than other, but check out the pictures to see the marshmallow buildings...that was fun had by all!  The lego cars were super fun, but frustrating to Peter as we could not figure out how to consistently make them work...oh for longer day when we can really spend some time on it.