Sunday, July 17, 2011

The week that has past

What swimmers we have! All the kids have made such great strides....Olivia was freely going around the baby pool and even putting her face in during simon says, Jimmy started running full face through the fountains...not minding at all that his face was wet, Joe started jumping in and swimming back tot he walk all by himself!, Thomas has now refused to wear swimmies, and so is trying to swim all around the big pool...even though he can't quite. As for the big kids Zeno has totally taken to the water...swimming all by himself, where last year he wasn't even sure he would get in the water! Maeve and Grace have almost every stroke, and are just working on mastery, which I have to say has put a fire under Elliot's belly to learn his strokes...and Miya was not in swim lessons this week as she helped out in the Right Brian Studio and took a doll making class...what cool dolls she made...the boys called them Zombie dolls...not sure how she liked that but they were really cool.

Here are a few things to ask the kids about from swim lessons:

Preschool and younger:

Ice Cream scoop arms
Doggie paddle
Popsicle Stick legs
Blowing bubbles

School Age

Laps were the name of the game for all but Zeno and Thomas...
Learning how to use the leg buoys
All the strokes, Freestyle, Breaststroke, Back Stroke and Butterfly
Front and back blast offs into strokes
Going off the diving board

This week we will work on diving for the big kids and strokes for the younger guys...

This week it will be hot...please remember to send the following:

Water Bottles
Library reading logs
Library Cards if they are allowed to check out books

We will also start keeping a journal for the next three weeks, so let them know there will be a bit of writing coming their way. For the preschoolers we will be focusing on our letters and numbers....identifying as well as writing them.

As always...have a great week...I know we will!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Recent hapenings...

Well so much has happened since the past post that I am not sure where to begin...the end of tball season really threw our family for a two week whirl wind...and just now are we getting back on our feet....the butterflies arrived, Joe and Olivia got married, we went to Navy Pier, and swim lessons started! Check out the new links to the photos to read all about of my favorite things so far has been the paper mache the school age kids did...they had to have a moving part...Miya had a head, with a mohawk, Grace had a soccer ball with flowing flames, Zeno had a telescope, and Maeve made an army truck with wheels that moved...great job!

Anne is our swim teacher for the next few weeks. The little guys, or group one, will be on Mondays, and they had their second lesson today...she was so impressed with all the improvement in just 4 days! Way to go...ask the kids about blowing out the candles under water (blowing bubbles), ice cream scoop arms, and Popsicles legs, and the noodle train we made today.

Anne will work with group 2 on Tuesdays...but let them know...Maeve and Grace did laps today with their intro lesson!

I have updated the summer schedule to include the swim lessons...

As always, please let me know any questions you have, suggestions, and how the summer is going...specifically how you like or dislike the summer experiment with PayPal...
