Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back in the Swing

Now that we have one full week under our belt things are starting to fall into place.  We had a great time at the zoo...who knew that 9:30 was the best time to go...all the animals were out and being fed and the kids had the run of the zoo...we got to see the kangaroos hopping all around, including babies.  Hypos that were almost close enough to touch, bears sunning themselves in the water...and dolphins and seals...Maya and Lydia loved anything swimming!  Ethan's favorite was the bears...Once we figured out how to turn the water on at Anderson it was so fun...with the park right there they ran and played in the water, and then to the park and back again.  My favorite was all the girls hanging their heads upside down in the fountains, Lydia's hat even stayed on with her head upside down!

Next week we begin the trek north to Pilgrim nursery school for Olivia.  We will be leaving around 8:30 Monday through Thursday. Pick up from Pilgrim will be at 11:15 am each day...then we will come back for lunch..or a picnic there on the lawn..depending on the weather. 

For the school age kids it has been a great week getting into the grove of homework and after school.  One thing I love is that I get to see what comes home from almost every teacher in the school...that being said, please let me know how you would like me to handle your child's homework.  If there is a special event in the evening, or you specifically need something to be completed please let me know.  In addition, if there is something you think your child needs extra attention to please let me know and I will do my best to help out there as well. 

That being said, I am trying this school year to make it a little more fun after beginning this week, or the week after, we may have extra activities, or projects that they can choose to work on, or not.  After being in school for 7 hours, unwinding a bit is always a nice touch...and as the kids have gotten older, hanging on the playground is not what they want to do all the having the option to do art, science experiments, or just build something might be a nice change...we will see how this goes.

This week we will celebrate Lia and Grace's birthdays on Tuesday...cupcakes again...

Please don't forget to fill out the contact form at the right if you want your information included...and check the menu and schedule each week...and as always, please let me know if there is anything I can do to make your time away from your kids easier.


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